From the cooking course in Berlin Zehlendorf at the beginning of the Autumn
30 Oct 2013
28 Oct 2013
25 Oct 2013
Avete mai provato a fare i cioccolatini?
È davvero semplice.
Procuratevi della cioccolata di ottima qualità, fatela sciogliere a bagnomaria e riempite degli stampini nei quali avrete sparso delle nocciole tritate, del peperoncino, pochi cristalli di sale... insomma, tutto quello che vi piace e che vi rende creativi.
I miei sono realizzati con cioccolato bianco e petali di fiori non trattati.
Ogni tanto un momento di dolcezza ci vuole!
È davvero semplice.
Procuratevi della cioccolata di ottima qualità, fatela sciogliere a bagnomaria e riempite degli stampini nei quali avrete sparso delle nocciole tritate, del peperoncino, pochi cristalli di sale... insomma, tutto quello che vi piace e che vi rende creativi.
I miei sono realizzati con cioccolato bianco e petali di fiori non trattati.
Ogni tanto un momento di dolcezza ci vuole!
23 Oct 2013
Already the color inspires me: it is so lively, so sunny....It makes me forget a little bit that the summer is over...
Pumpkin is so versatile. You can make all sorts of cake, bread, risotto, puree, pasta and gnocchi, just to mention a few examples.
Pumpkin is one of the very low-calorie vegetables and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. This is why it is highly recommended by dietitians and nutritionists. 100 g provides just about 26 calories.
From the bright orange color you can recognize that pumpkin is a great source of beta-carotene, an important antioxidant which is converted into vitamin A in the body.
This is what I did yesterday. So yummy!
Pumpkin is so versatile. You can make all sorts of cake, bread, risotto, puree, pasta and gnocchi, just to mention a few examples.
Pumpkin is one of the very low-calorie vegetables and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. This is why it is highly recommended by dietitians and nutritionists. 100 g provides just about 26 calories.
From the bright orange color you can recognize that pumpkin is a great source of beta-carotene, an important antioxidant which is converted into vitamin A in the body.
This is what I did yesterday. So yummy!
21 Oct 2013
Die Energiedichte ist die
Kalorienmenge pro Gramm Lebensmittel.
Es gibt in diesem Zusammenhang
Tabellen, die in drei Farben gegliedert sind und die uns sofort zeigen, welche
Lebensmittel geeigneter zum Abnehmen oder zum konstant halten unseres Gewichtes
In der Regel steht:
Grün für eine Energiedichte unter 1,5 kcal/g
Gelb für Werte von 1,5 bis 2,5 kcal/g
Rot für alles über 2,5 kcal/g.
Grün für eine Energiedichte unter 1,5 kcal/g
Gelb für Werte von 1,5 bis 2,5 kcal/g
Rot für alles über 2,5 kcal/g.
18 Oct 2013
Me lo chiedo oramai da anni: per quale motivo i dolci di Natale sono già in vendita alla fine di Agosto?
Sono una che alle tradizioni ci tiene e mi rifiuto di comprare panettoni, Stollen, frutta secca, torroni e Mandel-Printen alla fine dell'estate.
E come tutti gli anni quando all'inizio dell'Avvento mi decido a comprare, i miei dolci preferiti non sono più in vendita...
Non importa, me li faccio da sola e i mie sono certamente più sani di quelli commerciali :)
Peró... se tutti ci rifiutassimo di assalire i supermercati a Settembre e lasciassimo le cose lì, forse riusciremmo a convincere le ditte a fare le consegne un po' più vicino al periodo natalizio, riscoprendo la tradizione del "sapere aspettare".
Sono una che alle tradizioni ci tiene e mi rifiuto di comprare panettoni, Stollen, frutta secca, torroni e Mandel-Printen alla fine dell'estate.
E come tutti gli anni quando all'inizio dell'Avvento mi decido a comprare, i miei dolci preferiti non sono più in vendita...
Non importa, me li faccio da sola e i mie sono certamente più sani di quelli commerciali :)
Peró... se tutti ci rifiutassimo di assalire i supermercati a Settembre e lasciassimo le cose lì, forse riusciremmo a convincere le ditte a fare le consegne un po' più vicino al periodo natalizio, riscoprendo la tradizione del "sapere aspettare".
16 Oct 2013
From : "il Post" (For all those who missed it!)
Barilla says no to gay couples in advertising
«I would not do a commercial with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect toward homosexuals – who have the right to do whatever they want without disturbing others – but because I don't agree with them and I think we want to talk to traditional families», said chairman Guido Barilla, who later apologized
Guido Barilla, chairman of Italian and European food company Barilla, told wednesday that gay couples will not appear in his company’s advertising. Interviewed during the radio show “La Zanzara”, Mr. Barilla spoke about the role of women and gays in advertising. Asked about the statements of Laura Boldrini, speaker of the Italian House of Deputies, who criticized stereotypes of women as “mother who serves at the table”, Barilla said:
«Advertising is a very serious matter and should be handled by people who understand it. Speaker Boldrini doesn’t understand the role of women in advertising: women as mothers, grandmothers, lovers, housewives, caregivers. All of this actions and activities ennoble their role. Women are extremely important for advertising, not only in Italy. In all countries the woman is extremely used in advertising»«I think it’s pretty pathetic that the speaker of the House lowers herself talking about advertising, which she doesn’t have the skills to understand. Communication is a fundamental stimulus for commerce: everyone makes it as he sees fit, in accordance with the rules. There are authorities that control advertisings: if someone fails, he receive a reprimand and a fine»
Asked about why his company – which also controls the “Mulino Bianco” brand with its famous “perfect family” communication – does not do commercials with gay families, Guido Barilla, who is 55, said:
«We have a slightly different culture. For us, the “sacral family” remains one of the company’s core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don’t like that, they will eat someone else’s pasta. You can’t always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect toward homosexuals – who have the right to do whatever they want without disturbing others – but because I don’t agree with them and I think we want to talk to traditional families. The women are crucial in this».«I respect everyone, they can do what they want without disturbing others. You have the right to do whatever you want in your house without disturbing those around you, claiming more or less legitimate rights. I respect same-sex marriage because that concerns people who want to contract marriage, but I absolutely don’t respect adoptions in gay families, because that concerns a person who is not the people who decide»
Barilla was founded in 1877 by Pietro Barilla, Guido Barilla’s great-grandfather. It controls Barilla (multinational pasta maker), Mulino Bianco, Pavesi, Voiello, Alixir and Academia Barilla (Italy), Wasabröd (Sweden), Misko (Greece), Filiz (Turkey), Yemina and Vesta (Mexico) trademarks.
Update: Mr. Barilla apologized Thursday writing in the Barilla Twitter account:
I apologize for hurting many people’s sensibility. I have the deeper respect for everybody without distinctions
14 Oct 2013
Die Cholesterinzufuhr sollte
nicht mehr als 300 Milligramm pro Tag betragen.
Cholesterin ist besonders in
tierischen Fetten enthalten, z.B. in Butter, Innereien, Eiern, Kaviar,
Dagegen: Salat, Gemüse, Obst ,
Kartoffeln und Reis enthalten gar kein Cholesterin.
11 Oct 2013
che sa un pompelmo? È buona un’oliva? Chi non li assaggia, non lo potrà mai
“gusto” si comincia a formare già nel grembo materno e si perfeziona con la
cibi pronti contenenti aromi artificiali, esaltatori di sapidità, troppi grassi
e troppi zuccheri alterano la formazione del gusto che da piccoli non è ancora
le abitudini quotidiane ci spingono a consumare quasi sempre le stesse cose.
tuttavia importante che i genitori facciano provare ai loro bambini cibi sani e
naturali per sostenerli e indirizzarli alla capacità di individuare e
sperimentare i sapori più diversi.
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