
31 May 2015


Hello everybody! I’m back home (Rome) for a couple of days to enjoy the Italian sun and to get some inspirations for new recipes for my cooking courses.

For me holidays and good food are closely connected and this is why I start my day with 8 Km of power walking and jogging intervals. This allows me to indulge in all the goodness that I can buy at the market (fresh vegetables, fruits, fish…just to mention part of it), or what I can order at the restaurant when I go out with friends.

Not forgetting the “sweetest side” which is not only the highest quality ice creams, but also the many pastries that you can get for breakfast, together with the creamiest cappuccino…

I enjoy my breakfast at the “bar Raffaele” (Lido di Roma). This is a family-run bar with an included pastry kitchen since 1960. The moment you step in you are intoxicated by a heavenly smell of coffee and pastries. It is very hard to resist and the miniature pastries are the ideal solution to indulge without feeling bad, provided you restrict the choice to one item and don’t eat it every day. It is mandatory that you go for some calorie-burning after that. 
This is how I handle it. :)
Here some pictures for you. See you soon in Berlin

22 May 2015


Das war unser Kurs Pizza “Variationen” von gestern.
Wir haben ca. 20 Pizzasorten ausprobiert….schliesslich waren wir eine sehr kreative Truppe J
Ich habe mich riesig gefreut, so viele bekannte Gesichter wiederzusehen und die Neuen haben sich sofort integriert, jeder hat mit jedem gearbeitet.

Es hat mir wirklich  Spass gemacht, den ganzen Wirbel bei dem locker entstandenen “casual Pizza event “ zu beobachten… 

Auf bald

Eure Letizia

Norbert, du warst wieder sehr fleißig: danke für die schöne Fotos!